

Lolly Nova - Orange BG

-Smart, efficient and collaborative robot waiters enhance the  customer dining experience

Hailing the future of hospitality service

The hospitality robots market is estimated to reach $3,083m by 2030*.


Lolly Nova – Orange BG

Lolly launched its first robot waiter Fergus in 2022. Fast forward 12 months, and the software house is delighted to announce the new, upgraded and exciting Lolly Nova – the next generation from the rapidly evolving AI sector.

The Lolly Nova robot is designed to support waiting staff in a busy hospitality environment. It can operate for a whole evening taking food from the kitchen to tables, interacting with customers and helping with clear down.

The 1.2m freestanding robotic waiters provide efficient delivery functionality, obstacle avoidance sensors and speed control for precise and safe movement, giving them the ability to adapt to multiple environments. They also incorporate smart voice recognition technology for an AI voice interaction experience.

When Nova is not on the job, it will automatically return to its docking station, where it takes approximately three to four hours to fully recharge. Nova cloud data is hosted and stored in the UK to help comply with local cyber security regulations, which is unlike most other robots deployed in the UK market.

Peter Moore, CEO at Lolly, said: “Robots are proving popular with the industry, and we are proud to have led the way with our 2022 launch and continue to pioneer using the rapidly evolving AI capabilities being developed. Nova is our new smart, efficient and collaborative robot, which follows on from valued customer feedback and continued testing by our development team. As with all our technology, Nova fully integrates with the Lolly digital suite of products – providing full reporting functionality.

“Retaining clients through exceptional customer service has become critical during the current difficult trading period.

“As long as we have demand, we’ll keep innovating. Robots are the future of hospitality service. In fact, we’re so confident in this that we’ll soon be announcing the launches of hotel and home delivery robots. Exciting times ahead.”

Lolly Nova is available either as a one-off purchase or a monthly lease scheme, which includes maintenance and support from Lolly.





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