
Is your Valentine’s date into you? (And what to do if you’re not into them)

  • Almost 30% of single Brits feel as though they’ve forgotten how to read the signs as it has been so long since they last went on a date
  • Fridays reveals what single Brits think about dating and the ‘tell-tale’ signs that you’re the apple of someone’s eye
  • Dating Coach Hayley Quinn offers tips on dating and dining etiquette in the lead up to Valentine’s Day

9 February 2022: Fridays, part of newly listed Hostmore plc, reveals what singles in the UK really think about dating in 2022. Having started out as a ‘singles bar’ in 1965, Fridays has always had a soft spot for singles – from quirky cocktails to its easy-going menu options. In partnership with Dating Coach, Hayley Quinn, Fridays has compiled some new age signs you might be missing and what to do if you’re not feeling the first date vibes this Valentine’s Day.

Dating hasn’t been quite the same over the past two years and, according to Quinn, it’s important to firstly look at how someone treats you on a date. It will not only tell you how much they’re into you but how compatible you are too. Let’s take the age old topic of splitting the bill. Interestingly, only 10% of single males surveyed have asked to split the bill before, compared to 20% of single women.

Quinn comments: “If you’re someone who strongly believes the person who invited you should pay, you’re going to clash with someone who believes it’s more modern to go Dutch. Neither one of these behaviours are ‘wrong’, it’s just about finding someone who is on the same page as you.

“Likewise, if you’re looking for signs your date is into you, you should look out for some basics that they’re in the right headspace to date: do they turn up on time, or are they constantly rescheduling? Are they attentive and asking you questions, or do they showcase the most common pet peeve for more than half of singles by constantly sneaking a look at their mobile phone? Do they eat quickly and seem in a rush to leave? Or do they suggest you grab another round of drinks? And if they express that they’d like to see you again, do they actually take the time to follow up on it?”

Touch is often seen as a sign that someone might be into you but navigating this in a post-pandemic world can be tricky. Quinn advises that the best way forward is to seek active consent from your date about what level of physical contact they’re happy with by saying, ‘are we doing hugs or elbow bumps?’.  The research shows almost 20% of singles think the best way to order on a date would be a sharing platter, so Quinn suggests stating what you’d like by saying, ‘let’s get a sharing plate if you’re comfortable with that?’ “Yes, it’s not as assertive as ordering for your date (think back to the eighties, “she’ll have the steak”), but it means you avoid jumping to conclusions about what your date is comfortable with.”

Dates, especially first dates, don’t always go to plan! Instead, keep first dates to the sweet spot of 1.5 – 2.5 hours, enough time to get to know someone, but not so long that you’ll feel like you wasted your time if you didn’t click. Fridays make this easy with a wide range of appetizers and a unique range of handcrafted cocktails, so there’s no need to worry about being stuck in a snooze fest whilst you’re at the dinner table or sat at the bar.

Brendan Quinn, Mixologist and Head of Beverage at Fridays said: “I love seeing people on dates at Fridays restaurants. If the date isn’t quite going to plan, I’d recommend ordering a Purple Rain as it’s an all-round favourite and the flavours will at least keep your tastebuds interested. If the sparks are flying, go with the Zombie as its strong and honest or the Cupid’s Cocktail from our limited-edition Valentine’s cocktail range. Both will be sure to keep the conversation and orders flowing throughout the date.”

30% of singles agreed they didn’t know the polite way to say they’re not interested whilst on a date so, if you’re not feeling it, Quinn’s recommendation would be to make a judgement call about how open you want to be with your date about your disinterest. You may find it empowering to say, ‘thank you for meeting, though I’m pretty sure you feel the same that we just don’t have that romantic connection.’ Alternatively, it’s not exactly ghosting if after a first date both parties choose not to follow up for a second date, it’s a modern way of signalling a mutual agreement that there just wasn’t a spark.

Almost a third of single Brits (29%) don’t want to come across as too keen on a first date but, if you’re someone who wears their heart on their sleeve, is this always a bad thing? Quinn says: “If you’re naturally prone to fall head over heels it can be really helpful to remind yourself about everything you don’t know about a person before thinking they’re your perfect match. Yes, Fridays’ chocolate fudge fixation might be their favourite dessert too, and you may think they’re gorgeous, but there’s a long way to go to establish how compatible you really are. So, it’s less about playing it cool, more about raising your standards for what it takes to win you over.”

Whatever the signs you encounter on a first date might be, we’ll always be available for all at Fridays. To find out more about booking a table at Fridays visit

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